About Us - Beverley Town Handbell Ringers

Beverley Town Handbell Ringers
Registered Charity No: 515954
Founded 1981
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Beverley Town Handbell Ringers was formed in February 1981 and, by the loan of a set of bells from Elland in the West Riding of Yorkshire, were able to set about raising the funds to buy the present 'long set' purchased in August 1983.

We play on a set of 140 Whitechapel bells which cover a range of five octaves.  Using some of the 60 duplicated and triplicated bells permits the execution of the fast chromatic runs.
The 11 ringers, (four treble, four tenor and three bass) ring 'off table' in a traditional 'Yorkshire Style' and are directed and conducted by John Atkinson.
Table Plan
Beverley Town Handbell Ringers are available for concert performances and other musical entertainment throughout the year.
We play a varied selection of light classical and modern pieces, each lasting no longer than five minutes, many of which are well known marches, waltzes  and, when appropriate, seasonal Christmas music.
We can provide entertainment of 11/2 - to 2 hours with an opportunity for 'audience participation' and an insight into the history of the bells and our ringing style.

The band are also happy to participate in events shared with other groups.
Beverley Town Handbell Ringers are a self-sufficient group and bring all our own equipment including tables -  all we require is a level floor area 18 feet by 14 feet.
Alternatively - whilst the main core of the band is the five octave ringing, the band can also offer an 'ensemble'.
The ensemble (six ringers) play using 17 bells and is ideal where space is restricted - residential homes, community lounges etc.  The ensemble (where permitting) allow for 'audience participation' in a shorter programme.
The space required for the ensemble can be varied - 12 feet x 3 feet or 6 feet x 6 feet depending on the room available.

Should you require any further information about the Beverley Town Handbell Ringers please do not hesitate to contact our Secretary - Andrew Ford Tel: 01482 867120 or email aford11@aford11.karoo.co.uk

Beverley Town Handbell Ringers 2018
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